I miss you more than I remember you
“I miss you more than I remember you."
~ Ocean Voung
Some days it’s hard to breathe:
hard to go on living
when you’re not here
hard to laugh
to find pleasure
in other things
Some days I wake up
calling for you
asking you to save me
from myself
asking you
to make me live
how come I die
with each love I lose?
how many deaths
can a man die
ceases to
I miss you
I miss the taste
of your skin;
the curve
of your back
the calluses
in your palm
I miss
how you made me feel
how your
touch made me come alive
I miss us
I miss—
I don't remember you
My memory of your face
is hazy now &
it’s difficult to connect
the dots &
remember how you looked.
but I remember how you
made me feel.
More than that,
I remember how you
loved me.