The 90 days challenge
On October 9, 2023, approximately 91 days to the end of the year, I started on a 21-day challenge I themed: "Living my best life." During this period, the task was to do everything I imagined my best self doing. From work ethics to studying to general self-development. I told myself if I could stick to it for 21 days, I’d get myself a book as a treat. And of course, which book lover doesn’t love a book treat? Haha.
A few days back while scrolling through YouTube, I found a short video that spoke about growing up in 2024. You know, hitting the ground running and, overall, doing the things you want to do in 2024. Being what you want to be in 2024. And the trick is not to wait until New Year’s Eve to write out your resolutions and achieve what you want from the year. The trick is to start now and build a habit, so when 2024 comes, you know you’re prepared to give the whole year your best shot instead of stopping midway when the excitement of the new year dies off.
So, the 90 day challenge. This is me putting it out here that I have decided to switch from a 21-day challenge to a 90-day challenge. My stop date is December 30, 2023, and by then I should be able to see changes. Like the before me, and an after me. I’m also putting it out here for you to be inspired to start living your best life. You don’t have to have all the money in the world to embody your best self. Start by changing how you think, and what you read, and how you react… and a host of other things.
Those little changes you make during this challenge are what would set you up to be your best self. The self-care exercise and healthy eating all add up. Even waking up early, and practising gratitude journalling adds up to something beautiful at the end of the day. So, just start. A quote says: "Do it broke; do it tired; do it scared; do it unmotivated. Just. Do. It."
So Kings and Queens, let’s do this. Let’s live our best lives regardless.